The New World Order Gang Invades Texas via Hurricane Harvey Cover Story

Alert: After this writing, just learned that the Texas Governor activated an additional 2,000 National Guardsmen and requested 10,000 more Guardsmen from surrounding states, bringing the total invasion tropp total to 24,000…

This is not the time to give the benefit of the doubt to the mainstream news media, as some are so willing to do. It’s time to assume everything they report is a lie until proven true, not the other way around. Little did most Texans know, when the governor declares a state of emergency, there is a code in Texas law which suspends rights, including private ownership and gun rights. They can force you to certain camps and keep you away from your home. And, the governor can activate the Texas National Guard, which was done Monday in the wake of Hurricane Harvey (which is a man made event, so get used to it if you still doubt that). It also should be no surprise that a vast underground military base is housed under Ft. Hood in Killeen, TX. This underground base is for detaining civilians. Ft. Hood, interestingly, is a “supply” base for Hurricane Harvey operations. But if that were true, then why deploy hundreds of members of the battle tested 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit? They are also deploying military intelligence and reconnaissance troops to Houston. Looks like Jade Helm, which some laughed at conspiracy theorists for, has worked. Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

North Korea May Just Be Merely a Hollywood Set

Have you ever considered the wild idea that North Korea may not be a real country, but just a psyop illusion, a Hollywood set run by the Satanists in Washington who wanted a credible puppet regime on the border of China and within a rocket launch of Russia? How many of your friends have ever been to North Korea? Can you prove that North Korea is a truly sovereign nation, independent of Washington DC?

We don’t know this definitively of course, but many clues are red flags. First of all, for those who have swallowed the propaganda of history as taught in schools, it may come as a shock to you that the Soviet Union, along with Communism, were born in New York, not by an organic revolution in Russia. The fake crisis actor communist Zionists who overthrew the Czars were first organized in New York by the bankers of Wall Street. Go look it up. They were then dispatched to Russia to pretend to be Russian peasants who hated the Czar family. Satan is the father of lies, as you should know.

Fast forward to the end of World War II and the Yalta plot by Satan’s favorite trio of sons, FDR, Churchill and Stalin, to carve up the world as a major, postwar divide and conquer strategy. This included Korea, which was unified under Japanese rule from 1910 until Japan surrendered in 1945. The Satanic trio carved up Korea into north and south following WWII, then the communist Soviets (remember, born in New York) molded North Korea into a so-called socialist, totalitarian dictatorship.
We won’t go into the full history of North Korea here. But ask yourself, if the original Soviets were crisis actors hired by New York Zio-Bankers, then what does that make North Korea, which is the “child” of the socialists? Fast forwarding some more to 1990, Saddam Hussein’s Iraq was the fourth most powerful military in the world, right behind number 3 USA at the time. Yet both Bush presidents claimed Iraq had WMDs and took Hussein out in 2003. Similar things happened in Libya and other “enemy” nations. Yet North Korea, which supposedly has nuclear weapons and keeps threatening America, South Korea and Japan year after year for decades, has never met the same fate. Why is that?

Thus, we have concluded that it is far more likely that North Korea is one of many “lying wonders” from the seat of the Beast in the U.S. to run a mass fear porn psyop against the whole world, while also serving as a base for entering China if need be. We think the entire North Korean leadership, political and military, is financed by the wealthy families that finance misery in the West and all around the world. North Korea is just window dressing to make it appear as if it were a sovereign nation, complete with a full socialist government bureaucracy, but it is not a true nation, just an illusion. This is why North Korea is so zealous to arrest non-citizens, especially Americans: they don’t want proof to come out that it is all a lie. Again, this is our opinion, and we invite you to pray to Jesus Christ on the matter for truth. Amen.

Stop Gambling Your Salvation on CNN and US Intelligence Lies

It is amazing how many American Christians are willing to enter eternity with a mind and soul full of lies from US Intelligence and the mainstream media, mainly CNN, Washington Post, NY Times and the so-called Big 4 news networks (ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox). Many of your pastors won’t warn you about this because they are in cahoots with these peddlers of demonic doctrines. But we love you so we are warning you: You cannot expect Jesus Christ to accept you on His right side if your soul is full of lies, especially those that break the commandment to not bear false witness against your neighbors. Repeatedly, in a Satanic effort to yet again start another war based on lies, US Intelligence and the mainstream media have been bearing false witness against Russia with this so-called hacking deception. Here’s what the false US intelligence report said about Russia:

“Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections” is a declassified version of a highly classified assessment that has been provided to the President and to recipients approved by the President.
 The Intelligence Community rarely can publicly reveal the full extent of its knowledge or the precise bases for its assessments, as the release of such information would reveal sensitive sources or methods and imperil the ability to collect critical foreign intelligence in the future.
 Thus, while the conclusions in the report are all reflected in the classified assessment, the declassified report does not and cannot include the full supporting information, including specific intelligence and sources and methods.

It is not only laughable that the US Intelligence Community (IC) would stand behind the nonsense that it cannot fully reveal how the Russians supposedly hacked American voting systems to “influence” the elections or how they hacked Hillary Clinton’s emails to change American’s views against Clinton. Seriously? Has America become so dumbed down that it’s own government officials thinks hacking is a national security concern that can’t be revealed? If you believe this nonsense, then hopefully this helps. Imagine your house had been broken into, and all your valuables are missing. You call police, and they inform you that they can’t reveal how the burglar broke into your home, but they are convinced a Russian broke into your home and stole the valuables. Now, you can clearly see your back window is missing and your safe has been broken into. If it is clear the method for breaking into your home, are you just going to accept their word, or would you want them to investigate further and take fingerprints from your safe and back window to get more precise info so you can get your stuff back? Besides that, wouldn’t you want to know why the police think a Russian as opposed to any other nationality had done the crime?

Just as there is no secret in how someone breaks into a home, there is no secret as to how someone breaks into a computer. Computers have only a few ways to break into them, and all of these methods are well documented online (and there are hacker and computer security news sites that have detailed info). Major antivirus software makers also have detailed info about all the ways to break into computers that are publicly available. There is no top secret clearance needed to understand cyber threats to computer. It is a national embarrassment that the Intelligence Community, the mainstream American media and the Obama Administration would stop to such an obvious low as to deceive the American public about something that is public knowledge and has been for decades. This will come back to haunt America unless we reverse this lie and send it packing!

While You Were Distracted: PizzaGate Child Abusers, Turkey Admits Risking WW3, Britain Loses All Online Privacy…


People, do not let your brains be remote controlled by the New World Order Gang. They have conditioned us to be brain dead tax paying consumers who don’t have time to think beyond the propaganda of the mainstream media. We know that many of you have little time for detailed research, so here is a quick list of extremely ominous and prophetic events that will rock 2017 to its core:

  1. Turkey admits it lied when it said it invaded Syria to create a buffer zone against ISIS. Instead, Erdogan admits he wants to topple Assad and “hand” Syria over to its “rightful owners” the Syrian people. Yet he did not define who controls this hand off, what “rightful owners” means and for how long this transition would take? What is equally suspicious is why Russia waited till not to express concern over Turkey’s invasion of Syria, which started back in August 2016. Folks, this is how world wars are started! Watch this topic carefully as your family’s safety depends on it. Turkey’s admission will likely draw America and Russia into a direct (not proxy) war!
  2. The so called “wildfires” in Tennessee were deliberately set by the New World Order Gang to continue to condition us for martial law and evacuating us to concentration camps (Jade Helm). Dayboo77 on YouTube does a good job assessing the suspiciousness of this wildfire (Click video link below)
  3. The so called “wildfire” in Israel is most likely a purposeful pretext to either enter Palestinian territory to provide more land for the displaced Israelis, or just a distraction from the latest rounds of brutal bullying of Palestinians.
  4. PizzaGate has exposed what has long been known for those who have been awake regarding how the children of Satan in high government office have been actively participating in kidnapping and sex trafficking very young children all over the world for very, very sick, perverted and unspeakable things that you thought only existed in Hollywood horror movies (wrong: horror movies actually happen in real life). When these sick bastards are done with the children, they sometimes just exterminate them like animals, sacrificing them to their god, Satan! Why do you think they fight so hard to keep abortions?
  5. Cash is gradually being banned all over the world. India is already being crippled by this. Venezuela and other countries are going through this.
  6. Massive computer hacks of major nationwide systems, including bank ATMS, are happening all over the world. The most notable one was nearly 1 million ATMs in Germany. On top of this, bankers are thinking of taxing you when you withdraw money out of your own account! Prepare, people.
  7. Britain has essentially put all of its citizens under constant and total surveillance. If you regularly communicate with friends or businesses in the U.K., your communications will be recorded and saved for up to 12 months.
  8. Major earthquakes keep happening. Not just the 5 or 6.0 earthquakes, but the even bigger ones.
  9. Satan is getting more and more schools to promote the worship of him by your children! Warn other parents about this and prepare to take your kids out of these schools of Satan. The real reason they are free is to gradually demonize your children, turning them against you.
  10. There are many more, major developments. Stay tuned. We’ll update this article.

The Same New World Order Martial Law Drills Used Today was Used Against Black Wall Street in 1921!

It is unfortunate that the U.S. history taught in schools is based on divide and conquer principles, because had white students been encouraged to study the black history aspects of America, they would have been alarmed at how similar the police state and martial law policy against black communities 100 years ago is from the same play book as today’s “order out of chaos” martial law strategy! Just look at the Race Riots of 1919-21, particularly in Tulsa.


The event that triggered the riot may was totally made up by the New World Order Gang who were looking for an excuse to do a real live martial law drill in the world famous, oil-rich Tulsa, pitting whites against blacks (today, it will be Occultists/Satanists vs Christians). What started the Tulsa Race Riot in the first place was shrouded in mystery, and we think this triggering event was a false flag operation. Because the classic racial divide and conquer strategy was used, the average person at the time did not stop to think why would a young black man, Dick “Diamond Dick” Rowland—those who know about the occult and numerology should immediately suspect something with the name, in addition to it being an odd name for black men at the time—somehow make his way into an elevator operated by a young white girl named Sarah Page on Memorial Day May 30, 1921, when the building was closed? For some quick background, the Drexel Building (319 S. Main Street in Tulsa, where the digits in the address add up to the perfect occult 13 number) was the only building in Tulsa city limits where blacks could go to an upper floor to use the bathroom. According to news reports, there was a clerk working on the first floor of the building when Diamond Dick walked in to go up the elevator to use the bathroom.

For people who were very sensitive about black boys dating white girls, it would seem odd to have a white girl operate an elevator to the floor where the chances were very great that a black boy or man would have to use the elevator to go up to the bathroom. So that in itself is a suspicious setup. So as the news propaganda at the time said, Diamond Dick tripped on something in the elevator at some point during the flight up, and as he was falling, he supposedly grabbed the arm of Sarah the operator, and she allegedly screamed. In all, the story never, ever makes any sense, which is the same pattern for today’s false flag news stories: the actual pivotal moment is never clear or consistent. The kill shot of the rash of supposed white cop-black victim shootings is never clear. You’re left to assume the way the news media wants you to assume. The purpose then, as now, is to purposely create chaos. Anyway, Dick trips into Sarah, Sarah screams, and the clerk on the first floor supposedly hears the scream and contacts police, purportedly assuming she had been raped.


May 31, 1921 (another numerology-oriented occult date pattern) was the day all hell broke loose in Tulsa with 300 mostly black people massacred. Cops arrest Dick, take him to jail, and somehow, the news media miraculously gets the arrest info and quickly puts out the propaganda that whites should come and lynch Dick. And on que, somehow a mob of 500-1000 angry whites surrounds the jail, ready to kill! Knowing that other chaotic race riots already swept the country, one would think a smart Tulsa police department would keep the arrest info under wraps to minimize a mob mentality. Nope! Once word went out to the Black Tulsa community, black war veterans and other men from the community decided they did not want another lynching so they went to the jail to protect this mysterious Diamond Dick guy. You can read the details of Dick’s mysterious existence at the link provided.


The KKK, which is a puppet group of the New World Order Gang who also founded the NAACP, ironically, allied with some police to deputize white men to give them a license to invade, rob and burn down black homes and kill any “nigger,” and the law would on their side. The officials had given invading whites the green light to take valuables out of black homes, and some whites were seen with shopping bags going from house to house in Black Tulsa. Sound familiar? These were the exact same patterns used by the U.S. military and its allies in World Wars I and II and now in the Middle East.


As part of the engineered martial law operation, Tulsa National Guard rounded up some blacks and placed them in prisons, parks, the convention center and baseball stadiums (sound familiar?). Wake up, American Church! If they have been practicing this martial law drill since the Jim Crow Law days, and even during the slave plantation and Indian reservation days, do you think you have much of a chance now if you don’t wake up? There are plans now to use large sports arenas, Super Walmarts, and similar high occupancy buildings and structures to round up “enemies of the state.” Translation: concentration camps. What’s interesting is that some white Tulsa families hid their black domestic help from the mobs, and any white families found doing this were usually punished by lashings. But the fact some hid them proves that this was not a grassroots operation but was orchestrated by a larger external force.

By using our black brothers and sisters as guinea pigs, they knew that the majority white population would be distracted by the race propaganda and never suspect the larger agenda, which goes to the very reason they founded America!


As an aside: Do you not think it strange that of all the numbers of states they could have founded America with, they chose 13? Why not 1, 10 or even 12? Why the colors red and blue? Why stars? They displaced Indians in the Trail of Tears for a reason, and since whites largely ignored this because it was just “savages,” whites did not see the bigger picture of the New World Order Gang using America as a demonic laboratory for how they would conquer the entire world! The same pattern of violence they used against Blacks and Indians and Mexicans here is the very same pattern they would later export to Europe during WWI and WWII. The Armenians and Germans felt the worst of this practice.


Some Tulsa Riot witnesses also reported that the U.S. Army 101st Airborne had a hand in the operation, using some private planes with the police to drop kerosene and other fire accelerants or bombs on Greenwood to ensure the once independent community was destroyed! A few witnesses even said they saw men with rifles getting in these planes, shooting at blacks who were trying to escape. (There were reports that either the National Guard or Police had snipers and machine gunners mowing down blacks). Even some white witnesses said they saw innocent blacks who were trying to escape Tulsa get shot by whites who thought they were invading their properties! If you think about it, it was easy to target blacks as the “enemy” because of their skin color, and the blacks were used as easy guinea pigs for representing any domestic enemy target, which is why non blacks, especially whites, should have been paying attention to this strategy instead of giving in to race-fueled emotions.

All told, hundreds of blacks were killed and many thousands left homeless. Having funerals was outlawed so as to keep the blacks from gathering together to discuss the tragedy. Many blacks were buried in crates (similar to the FEMA crates today) en masses. One elderly white man remembers how he and some friends were curious about one of these crates they saw, and when they lifted the lid, they saw three black men’s bodies thrown in it. It scared them, and some white man who saw them looking made them close it and get away from that mass grave area. Wake up, Church! This is the exact same pattern they plan for you in the FEMA camps and mass graves all over the demonic country.

At 11:29 (hint: “11” and 2+9= another “11”) on June 1, 1921 (again, the 11 pattern), Martial Law was declared at the National Guard Headquarters in Tulsa by the Governor because Oklahoma leaders felt the Tulsa Riot “got out of hand.” (mystery: why not announce martial law at 1130am or 1135am?) The very ones who masterminded the chaos now stepped in with the “solution.” Interestingly, they disarmed the whites!! Sound familiar? And at the same time, Black men were rounded up “for their own safety” said the police, but the real reason was to weaken the black community, making it easier for whites to burn down their houses while they were in “safe places.” When the burning was complete, blacks had to wear “green tags” in order to work (aka similar to mark of the beast buy and sell policy). These green tags had to be signed and approved by their white bosses, otherwise, they could not work. If any black person were caught not wearing this “Police Protection” green tag, they were arrested and jailed until a white person could vouch for them. Police state, anyone? If this green tag system were really for their protection, then why threaten them with arrest if they did not have one? So the once independent black Tulsa business community got reduced to near slavery conditions. All small towns in America should have been alarmed by this, but they were too distracted and satisfied because the law got those “niggers.” So they looked the other way. In just about 24 hours, the years of building up their prosperous community was brought to ruins, and they couldn’t even file an insurance claim or get any help accept from the Red Cross (sound familiar? This is how they’ll target Christians and other “enemies of the states”).


But now, because of that deliberate ignorance, history repeats itself. The same New World Order Gang behind the Martial Law operation against Black Tulsa in 1921 are the very same ones coming after small towns across America. And as usual with the children of Satan in the New World Order Gang, in exchange for carrying out Satan’s will in Tulsa, they got more land they could (a) use to build more housing for the expanding oil economy, and (b) perhaps to drill for oil as Tulsa was very rich in oil at the time. By driving most blacks out for a while, they had a better shot at oil speculation in parts of north Tulsa. This is the same pattern they’ve done in Iraq, Libya, and other conquered Middle East oil fields. We think the ultimate larger strategy for the Black Wall Street government operation was to destroy the chance of black independence there and elsewhere around the country in order to maintain an easily identifiable underclass as guinea pigs for more martial law/police state drills as we would see in the decades that followed. The rash of race riots around the country between 1919-1921 were no coincidence. They were deliberately planned by the New World Order Gang: government, military, and news media operatives working together with an ISIS/Al Qaeda like terrorist group (the KKK with their extreme interpretation of Protestant values) to stir up a divide and conquer race war to create chaos, and then step in with a solution. The very same tactic is being used today by the very same co-conspirators!


Perhaps the most baffling part of all of this is the mysterious ending to this Tulsa tragedy. Although the tragedy that happened to the innocent Black citizens of Greenwood in north Tulsa were very real and tragic, the outcome for Diamond Dick and Sarah Stage makes no sense whatsoever and leads us to believe they may be what we now call crisis actors today, or at the very least, unwitting pawns. Why do we say this? Because although the cops, KKK, National Guard and U.S. Army had a hand in destroying the black independence of Greenwood/North Tulsa, killing or imprisoning the majority of black men, miraculously Diamond Dick was never charged or lynched. The bad cops had every access to Dick’s jail cell, but somehow, no one touched him at all! He was exonerated in September 1921 (again, note the significance of September with the New World Order gang) and disappeared from Tulsa and the pages of history! This followed Sarah Page suddenly sending a letter to the prosecutor right before he was released, asking that the prosecution not go forward. Now for those who don’t pay close attention, this may seem logical. But if you know anything about the dark side of racial violence in this country, the ending was unbelievable. To murder hundreds of innocent people, make thousands homeless and decimate an entire, prosperous black community based on lies and innuendo, and yet leave the accused black guy unscathed, is indicative of a larger strategy at play, which we have outlined here. Note: the lawyer who represented Dick Rowland, Washington E. Hudson, would go on to help found a Klan temple called Beno Hall the following year (the words “Beno Hall” add up to the key masonic value 33 in the occult/numerology for those who keep track of that). This further enhances the mystery of Diamond Dick (and “diamond” is also 33 in the same demonic system, as is his last name “Rowland”).

To bring some modern perspective, the overwhelming response of the militarized police in Boston during the Boston Bombing false flag where a great show of force was used to shut down an entire major city, in search of a frail 19 year old boy who wasn’t even the mastermind behind the bombing, was also ridiculous; those who are awake know that the Boston Bombing was really just an excuse for a major martial law drill, and some Bostonians even applauded this nonsense because they did not realize the “order out of chaos” strategy being deployed. The exact same thing happened in the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot, although with far darker consequences. We conclude that a true investigation of Tulsa 1921 should be done, not just for the sake of black history, but also so that we all can learn from, and protect ourselves from, the deadly demonic workings of the New World Order Gang.


Pray to Jesus Christ for a better understanding of the true Satanic history of America, and not just the whitewashed parts that cover up its nature. Jesus wants us to love the truth, not love a lie. Amen.

Related sources:,_Oklahoma#Oil_boom:_1901-1907

Warning…Increased “State of Emergency” Declarations Accelerates Martial Law

Between the “state of emergency” declaration in Charlotte, NC, due to the staged divide and conquer police shooting, and the state of emergency for the gas pipeline shutdown across the southeast and the wildfire state of emergency along the west coast, and perhaps other unknown declarations, the unprecedented number of declarations at this point in time only lend themselves toward conditioning us for the New World Order Gang’s martial law police state. They stage the chaos in order to then have the public “trust” them with the solution. This is kind of what the Book of Revelation referred to when it described one of the beasts as having the appearance of a lamb (the “order”) but speaking like a dragon (the “chaos”). This fake peace is also the objective of the White Horse of the Four Horsemen. Know that these “state of emergency” declarations will increase in frequency, intensity and duration, meaning the saints must be on guard and don’t fall asleep during these perilous times! Stay in prayer. Amen.

The New World Order Gang is Working Hard to Paralyze America in September

The events over the past few days should be quite alarming and disturbing to all Americans, particularly the Church. The gas pipeline shutdown with a dubious cause days ago is leaving a growing number of motorists without gas and is leading to price gouging. Such news stories are meant to jack up gas prices for consumers and transportation costs for businesses, which can trigger or exacerbate a recession if it goes on long enough. The recession threat is very likely since this “shutdown” is impacting several states across the deep South, especially when you combine it with America’s wars in Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria going on right now (for those who are surprised by so many war fronts, do your homework).

Another recessionary threat comes from the banking system. As we are seeing with Wells Fargo, the bank was hit with a massive fine for deliberately allowing its employees to create a large number of fraudulent bank accounts using their customers’ own sensitive personal information. As the saying goes, the best way to rob a bank is to own one. Don’t believe for a minute that the highest level executives did not know that millions of fake accounts were created. These executives have fired 5,300 employees without firing themselves. This large number of firings will add to the growing joblessness the mainstream media is not warning you about (they are lying about the economy to catch you off guard). The news about Wells Fargo is meant to further erode confidence in the banking system, which can lead to a run on banks if banking scandals continue, which most likely will happen. And continuing on the banking front, the U.S. slapped Germany’s Deutsche Bank, the largest in Europe, with a $16 billion fine for it role in the 2008 Great Bank Robbery (ummm, Great Recession). But the bank gave America the middle finger and refuses to pay. The real reason for the fine is to further erode the bank’s falling value, which could lead it to crash, plunging Europe into a deep recession, possibly a depression. If this happens, this will spread to the U.S., on top of our other massive banking problems.

George Soros, the same billionaire who often backs the Democratic party including Hillary Clinton, has pledged to invest $500 million in Syrian immigrant businesses here in the U.S. This is the same guy who, instead of doing a similar investment for black businesses, instead funds Black Lives matter, a group who has hijacked legitimate black causes and steered them towards useless protests that are meant to divide and conquer the races, as well as conspire with police unions to create an atmosphere of mistrust with the police. The goal is to agitate police enough to make martial law effective and dangerous for citizens. Case in point: the Tulsa police shooting reported today (September 20, 2016). This shooting has all the signs of a hoax. The video is not clear and conclusive, especially given the pledge to have more body cams after the last white officer-unarmed black person shooting in Tulsa which was not too long ago. No body cams have been shown yet. But the purpose of this Tulsa shooting, as well as the Washington University racism protest by Black Lives Matter, is to further erode trust between the police and citizens.

Finally, the mainstream media is having us believe that ISIS is behind the mass stabbing at a Minnesota mall as well as the multiple bombings in New York/New Jersey. The bombings are a hoax, and the Minnesota case most likely is either a hoax or a lie mixed in with some truth.

Finally, where has Congress been since the President has been issuing one dangerous executive order after another? The only time they popped up is when they called Wells Fargo executives to testify before Congress. We should be very suspicious about the fact that Congress hasn’t tried to call White House cabinet members to testify about all the increased U.S. military activity in the Middle East, especially Syria where the U.S. deliberately killed 62 Syrian soldiers during a ceasefire it agreed to with Russia. This could be a main trigger for World War III! Where is Congress?

The fact that the New World Order Gang has been so active lately should raise alarms. Why are they so eager all of a sudden? Stay in prayer. Amen.


So One So Called Terrorist Leads Entire Nations to Imprison Millions of Civilians!

If you’ve never had a clue as to how the end of the world sequence would start, you are getting a crash course right now! So in Munich Germany, one shooter in a very questionable video clip leads to the entire city of Munich being shut down. The rest of Germany will follow suit soon. Similarly, in France, a series of one or few so called terrorists lead to an entire nation being on lockdown perpetually, and getting worse as Hollande announced sweeping new law enforcement powers to let cops essentially do whatever they like to civilians, whenever they like, including entering and taking over homes and other property without due process of law. In Turkey, after a very suspicious coup soap opera, the entire country is locked down, including airports in or out, and thousands of teachers and judges ousted, and the military turned upside down. Many don’t know the real history of Erdogan. which is why many have been gullible enough to believe this political theater. In Venezuela, the entire country is pretty much blacked out from the rest of the world while the New World Order Gang continues to loot the country and starve its citizens. Brazil is next, it seems, as is Argentina, and a few other nations around the world, not to mention the United States, where questionable terror plots keep being released like Hollywood movies every day in a different state, all in order to disarm citizens and increasingly militarize the police. Wake up, Church! The leaves are changing, as Jesus Christ warned us. You can tell that something is definitely stirring the “seas” of people, as Bible prophecy refers to the masses of humanity. Pray that you stay awake and that our Heavenly Father perhaps comforts us or if possible, spare us the absolute horror that awaits! Amen.

Satan’s NBA All Star Game Shuns Charlotte NC

In “1984” by George Orwell, Big Brother mandated that citizens not say that 2+2=4, but that 2+2=5. In the Satanic gender neutrality movement, the New World Order Gang is deliberately trying to push the buttons of Christians and others with common sense about the subject of male and female gender identities. Regarding the NBA All Star Game, one well known NBA analyst fully supports the NBA decision to not allow the city of Charlotte, NC, to buy or sell without the mark of the NBA “moral values.” Who cares about the so-called “moral values” of a sports league that interferes with games, colludes in rigging sports betting in Las Vegas, has players who birth children out of wedlock all over the country (among other wickedness), and promotes demonic hand sign gestures and symbolisms in its marketing material? Christians everywhere should see this as a no brainer and stop supporting the fake pro sports that promote filth and sin and confusion. If this issue is not easy to see through, then go ahead and believe that 2+2=5. Stay in prayer for the return of Jesus Christ is so much closer. Amen.

ISIS is NOT Radical Islam

Jesus Christ warned us that Satan is the father of lies and the truth is not in him. This also means that Satan’s children have no truth in them, either. In addition, bible prophecy mentions the end times would be full of “lying wonders.” And yet many of us are still asleep. Regarding ISIS, ask yourself, how can a rag tag group of mercenaries suddenly rise up to scare billions of people in less than 3 years? Recall Al Qaeda was the “radical Islamic” group scaring billions and was too tough for American to defeat, but then, right after Obama’s failed speech in September 2013, when his puppet masters in New York, London and Israel wanted him to authorize war against Syria, the media made ISIS the new bogeyman replacing Al Qaeda. Think it through. America is the most powerful nation the world has ever known, and not even the very powerful Russia and China dare challenge America at their own borders. So if these two powerhouses don’t dare challenge America in their own backyards, what makes you think ISIS is suddenly more powerful than Russia and China, challenging America even inside our borders? Wake up, people! It is quite obvious that ISIS is a child of Western Intelligence with the purpose of baiting America and the West to fight against Syria, Russia and China! Without ISIS, the West has no good excuse for causing chaos in the Middle East. ISIS is not Islamic at all, not even a radical version of Islam. ISIS is a Hollywood style production with the White House and Congress being the producers, while Israel is the director and executive producer. Don’t fall for the lying wonders or the great delusion. Stay in prayer. Amen.