The Orlando Hoax Further Proves US Gov’t is Satan’s World Bully

What else needs to be told the American Church about the two-faced US Government? if you believe Jesus when He calls Satan the false god of this world, and if America is the most powerful nation in this world, then only a dummy would not see that America is Satan’s puppet government. The Orlando shooting was so obviously fake (every last person interviewed on TV is an actor) that what really concerns us is not the obvious attempt to disarm law abiding citizens so that Satan’s worldly bully government can intern and kill strong Christians, but the fact that the government is so careless and reckless with the truth that it actually thought no one would notice. That should raise all kinds of alarms as to how desperate the traitors in Washington are to turn the nation over to even more Satanists! Do not stay asleep. Do like the Brits did and let your voices be heard in great numbers. Pray and keep the faith. The New World Order Gang is not perfect, as Brexit proved. Amen.

The Ugly Truth About Orlando

When it comes to mass shooting stories, we like to wait till the New World Order Gang comes up with one lie to cover up another. In this case, it didn’t take long at all before the lies came crashing down. Unfortunately, this particular act seems to be a mixture of both a false flag operation and a crisis actor operation. There’s not enough space to discuss the mountain of lies in the Orlando shooting. Some highlights:


It is very suspicious that one shooter would be able to shoot over 100 people in a dark club by himself and no one even offer resistance or run.

The date of the shooting, 6/11, follows the same date pattern as 9/11 and 7/11. 11 is an important number in numerology, and the shooter’s age, 29, has digits that add up to 11.

How convenient that when these active shooter events happen, the shooter always ends up being killed so that he can’t be a witness to the truth

One of the victim’s mother (a crisis actor) had shallow tears and cried to the camera “please do something about the AR15 rifle.” Who does that? A truly mournful or sorrowful mother would say “please stop the violence” or something more vague along those lines. For her to focus in on the AR15 clearly shows a gun control activist agenda, not genuine tears.

The AR15 rifle has been the subject of gun control advocates for many years. So of all the kinds of weapons this shooter had, to magically have the one automatic rifle that gun control activists want banned sounds highly suspicious.

The Guardian reported there were “350 nightclubbers.” So, doing the math, 103 were shot, and 15 were held hostage by the shooter in a bathroom. That leaves 232 club goers who were not shot. The police chief mentioned dozens and dozens escaped through the hole, so assuming that “dozens and dozens” means about 60, that still leaves 172 people unharmed. You mean to tell me all 172 people would just let this guy do what he wanted? And simple math means that if 60-172 escaped through the hole, one at a time, it would take several minutes for this many people to exit, long enough for a crazed killer to shoot the rest, or at least use an explosive device on them. This doesn’t add up at all. It defies logic and common sense.
The Guardian reported that the officer already on the scene immediate engaged the shooter at 2am, drawing the shooter outside. Then the shooter went back in 30 minutes later at around 230am. During this 30 minute period, backup cops should have been on the scene pretty quickly, given an officer was engaging an active shooter. And 30 minutes is more than enough time for club goers to find ways out, such as the patio, which was around the other side of the club, out of view of the shooter who would be distracted by the cop. Certainly there were fire exits elsewhere in the club.
“Speaking to reporters outside the family assistance center close to Pulse nightclub, [Deyni Ventura] said: “He was in a bathroom stall with 30 other people, and those 30 other people are deceased. He is the only one that lived,” she added.” How on earth can 30 people fit in a bathroom stall? And I thought there were only 15 in the bathroom with the shooter? So if 15 watched him shoot 30 in a bathroom stall, why would they just sit there and watch? And how did the shooter just sit there and wait for 30 people to get into a handicap bathroom stall just to shoot them to death later?

“The gunman who killed 49 people in an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando is said to have been a regular at the venue and had messaged several people on gay dating apps, according to reports.” How incredibly unbelievable the lies become! So a guy who lived 2 hours away frequented this particular club, when Miami has many more gay clubs and is closer?

The old adage, “if it doesn’t make sense, it’s not true” applies very much to this fantastic deception. False flag operations like this one rely on the emotional shock people express when “breaking news” comes on and scares them with such extreme horror that the listener is distracted from asking tough questions about the facts and circumstances being reported. In other words, if you tell a massive lie with enough horror behind it, especially coming from a perceived “trusted” source like the mainstream media or the government, people automatically disarm their own filters and common sense (televisions already operate at a certain frequency that disarms people anyway). It’s similar to when, if someone came to you and told you that your house is on fire with your kids inside, your emotions are so amped up because of the danger that you quickly ignore the truthfulness of the person telling you the terrible news, and your instinct is to run and save your children and hopefully your home. And if that person who told you about this fire was also the one who plotted with someone else to burn your house down, you are less likely to question that person because his warning helped you to then save your children. This is how massive false flag horrors operate. As Jesus Christ said, Satan is a liar from the beginning. This is how he operates, and he does not play fair! He plays to destroy. He lies to kill!
In any event, it is far more likely deep government operatives committed this act, blasting their way into the wall with an explosive device that killed 50 and injured critically 53 more. There may have been a government hired shooter to distract and confuse the people in the club in one direction, and that distraction then allowed the deep government operatives to bust through the wall, which caused mass casualties. Several witnesses also reported emphatically they saw multiple shooters, which makes more sense. Here’s how The Guardian reported the blast from the government:

“It is not known whether any of the hostages were killed in the operation, or if so how many, but for those who got out, Mina’s decision was life-saving. First a controlled explosion was carried out, but when it failed to breach the wall Mina sent in a Bearcat armored vehicle to punch out the hole.”
Because of this confusion, it would be easy to convince the club goers that the shooter did this and the deep government operatives were the good guys who saved some hostages. By having the media to drop the “ISIS” label into the reporting makes it convenient for the government to further distract the world and deflecting attention away from their own actions. Also, the crocodile story, where the baby was reported to have been dragged into a lagoon but not eaten (go figure) was a distraction from the fact that the government chose the wrong fall guy, Omar Mateen (what a name). Turns out, he was a gay, down low married ISIS terrorist (ever heard of the strange combination?). How many gay people would side with a group that throws homosexuals head first from tall buildings?
Either the above is true, or this was a complete crisis actor false flag hoax. One of these two is closer to the truth than the “official” media narrative.


New World Order Gang Suffers Defeat in Their Favorite Capital

There’s good news about Brexit, and bad news. The good news is that, once again, the Brits voting against the EU is a rare act of defiance against the globalist agenda. Some might argue this Brexit vote is part of their plan, but that is very unlikely. The bad news, though, is that the New World Order Gang will accelerate their plans to try to collapse the world’s economy because of this vote, potentially plunging weaker economies into a deep recession and apocalyptic scenarios reminiscent of what Satan’s children are doing to the innocent people of Venezuela (and a few other countries). Already, as of this writing, the British pound is falling hard, down nearly 10% in value within hours of the vote. Predictions are that come tomorrow (Fri, June 24, 2016), stock markets in Europe and America will fall anywhere from 5-10%. This is by design as the New World Order Gang tried to blackmail Brits into staying in the EU “or else” (Obama issued this threat weeks ago). We strongly advise out readers that since, as usual, Friday will mark major changes that carry over into the weekend, you may want to get some extra money out of the banks and stock up on a little more food than normal. Prepare yourselves, for they could use this Brexit as a catalyst for chaos. Stay in prayer. Amen.

If Satan Entered Judas, What Does That Tell You About the Sanhedrin?

The minds of many Christians in this age of Satan have been poisoned to ignore crucial parts of the Bible that can help us avoid the eternal damnation of worshipping the Beast and receiving his mark. Jesus Christ already exposed the Pharisees and Jewish leadership as being false Jews of the Synagogue of Satan. Further, Jesus exposes Judas Iscariot as about to be possessed by Satan himself in order to betray Jesus Christ. Notice Satan did not enter Judas to betray Jesus to the Roman government, but to the Sanhedrin, a group of 70 Jewish elders. These leaders, not the Roman leaders, paid Judas 30 pieces of silver. The government leaders of Rome and Judea were ready to dismiss Jesus, but the Satanic Sanhedrin conspiracy insisted on putting Jesus to death for frivolous charges. So if Satan entered Judas to betray Jesus to the Sanhedrin, what does that tell you about the Sanhedrin? Jesus warned us about the yeast of the Pharisees, and we today, in 2016, see the results of that ugly yeast growing to consume the entire world 2,000 years later.